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Ford: overrdrive turns on and off, steve mikula, mercury mystique

Followup To
I do not konw what the codes were since it was done over a month ago. All my mechanic kept saying was the computer says nothing is wrong. I can check and see if he kept any info but all he said to me is drive it for a few hundred miles and see if it clears itself and it has not. So my question is  -Has this happened to anyone else and how has it been solved? Is it a computer problem or a electrical proroblem or a transmission problem or CAN  THE OVERDRIVE OFF OPTTION BE TURNED OFF AND HOW CAN THAT BE DONE AND HOW DIFFICULT IS IT TO DO?

Steve Mikula  
Question -
I have a 1999 V6 Automatic Mercury Mystique with 38,000 miles.  

The check engine light comnes on  and  after a while the overdrive on light starts flashing  and the engine begins to surge and change speeds. There is no rime or reason to when this happens.

I am unable  to shut off the overdrive using the button on the shifter. I can turn off the engine at a stop light and turn it right back on and the broblem will go away as if the car had just been started after sitting all night.

The buton seem to be working correctly.  My mechanic has cleared the computer memory a number of times  and changed the transmission oil and cleaned the wires and conections but to no avail.   

What gives? what can we do to fix this problem. The Car runs great otherwise.


Steve Mikula
New York City
Answer -
Steve tell me what the codes were and then we can do a pinpoint test.

just go to your nearest auto zone and they will ck it for free and let me know what they are .Now if someone tell you that it is no problem why then is the ck eng light  or trans  o/d light flashing ?   1)is it because ford had extra light bulbs and just decided to install them in there vehicles for fun and said lets have these lights flash for no reason and freak out our cust. so they won't come back and buy any more cars from us.or 2) the persons that is working on your vehicle   has no idea what he is doing and told you it's OK because HE doesn't know what to do or how to fix it. I'm going with #2 he is a moron.    Just let me know what the code is i will tell you how to fix it.