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Ford: 1965 Mustang 6-cyl 3 spd, fuel line, fuel pump

Ken,  The car starts fine, will idle fine and runs good at low speed.  When I take the car out on the highway it will run fine for about 4 miles and it dies, the engine shuts off.  There is no surging or cutting out prior to the engine dying.  When the engine dies it will not restart, I let the car sit for 3-5 minutes and it will start, once it restarts it will only run for another 2-3 minutes before it shuts down again.  I just bought the car and the previous owner told me that the car has a new fuel pump and carburator, I replaced the coil with no luck.  Do you have any suggestions?  Thanks, Allan

Mr. Wilbourn,

You need to place a couple of gaskets under the caburetor because it sounds like you are having a very common problem (at least it was with years that the engines had a 1bbl carb on them, which I am certian your 6cyl does) because the design of the carb, boils the fuel dry out of the carb. If that does not work, send your carb to Pony Carbuerators (www.ponycarburetors.com) They will rebuild the carb and correct the defect for you. You could also try wrapping your fuel line but I do not think that it will do much for you (I have a 1967 that has the same problem and wrapping the fuel line did not help at all). If you need further assistance please do not hesitate to contact me. Hope that this helps and good luck.
