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Ford: Thunderbird Oil Pan, pan gasket, head gasket

My daughter has a 1994 Thunderbird with a 4.6l V-8. Her husband says it leaks bad from the oil pan. I have read the service manual for the car and to replace the oil pan gasket is tough.

Is there any easy way to replace the gasket or is there any way to drop the pan slightly and use silicone rubber to make a seal without replacing the gasket?

She says it leaks "a lot". Is there any other place under pressure it could be leaking?



Jack first thing lets clean the oil pan good and make sure it is the pan and not a head gasket or a rear main seal. no for the oil pan easy just when you go to buy a pangasket ask for the steel gasket it comes as one piece and it slids in not easy but it slides in GOOD LUCK