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Ford: removal and installation of heater core for f-150, 1993, control cables, heater core

I have a leak in my heater core so i would like to repair and replace.  I have 1993 F-150 Ford six cylinder, automatic. any tips  


As you did not say whether or not you have A/C, I will have to assume that you have it.You will need to remove the glovebox, then lift the hood and on the passenger side you will see 2 black hoses that go in through the firewall, you will need to disconnet them. After you remove the glovebox, you will see a door with about 6 (give or take a couple)screws to it, this is the heater core access door. After you open this door, you will see the heater core, just tilt and pull the core out. You will see a metal box there, it is your PCM. You may need to remove that along with the control cables before removing the heater core. The job is actually very simple. If you need further assistance, please do not hesitate to contact me. Hope that this helps and good luck.
