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Ford: 1999 F150 4R70W, clutch disc, d band

I have a 1999 F150 (4.2-V6 with 4R70W trans.with 44,738miles on it)).The transmission would lock up when it shifted into overdrive, as if you pressed the brakes. I changed the fluid, filter, and then the trans. range sensor(the electrical connector was corroded real bad,and it seemed to have moisture in the sensor. Now when it shifts to overdrive it simply freewheels, and you can race engine, but when slow back down 3RD gear will encage again. any suggestions are greatly apprecciated....

Brian sorry to say you need to have the trans gone thru. the O/D band is probley burned up along with the drum and clutch disc.the best place to get one is thru a comp.called ATK DO NOT go with jasper nothing but problems .ngk give you a world wide warr.and a 3 yrwarr and unlimtid miles let me know were you are located because i know a lot of trans tech that do side work and they could help you out if you don't want to spend a lot of money.