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Ford: gas milage & oil consumpiton, gas milages, oil consumption

i have a 93 ranger 5 speed  its got 90000km it gets about 350 to 380km a tank off gas and i am burning a quart of oil per tank? i have changed the pcv velve had oil changes there no external leak and my gas milage has decreased drasticlly. they changed the thermastate. and told me that should fix it. it didnt so they flushed my engine and there is still no change.i was wondering if there is anything i can do to remedie my gas milages and my oil consumption  

hi amy!

well, the first thing that comes to mind is TIMING.  when your car's timing is just a little off, you burn a tremendous amount of extra gas and oil.  i hate to send you back to the mechanic, but have them make sure that the timing is in tune and where it should be.  i hope i helped you here, amy.
