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Ford: fuel injectors, unburned fuel, oxegen

I have a 94 ford ranger recently installed map sensor and oxegen sensors and replaced plugs. I still have a hard time idling once up and running  runs fine using alot of fuel and a lot of black smoke after idling awhile  Any ideas without taking to a dealer 3liter v6

hey there marty.

you wouldn't believe how many repair questions i get about Rangers from the mid-90's. this is the 4th one today.  what does that tell you?  anyhow, i think you've done enough to the intake system.  you should be fine there.  now concentrate on the exhaust.  i would first make sure that it is perfectly clean and not clogged.  you want everything to be in shape.  i imagine that your catalytic converter is getting old and you may want to think about replacing it, or at least fixing it up.  this should help the black smoke problem.  are you sure you valves are in correct position?  you should check every valve to make sure it's pointing in the right place, otherwise there can be a lot of unburned fuel.  best of luck, and i hope i've been of some help to you, marty.
