Ford: Overheating, power steering fluid, ford f250
QuestionMy 1986 Ford F250 4x4 overheated and fluid boiled out. Also appears that the Power steering went out. Would the power steering fluid also boil out? Would this be a result of the thermostat sticking and is that difficult to replace?
Answerhi fred!
it is possible that the power steering fluid could also boil out, but it's not for sure. your best bet is to have the steering fluid flushed out and replaced. if the thermostat is sticking, this would surely happen. it's not hard to replace at all. it's a fairly basic procedure. but keep in mind that this might not be the result of a sticky thermostat. make sure that the engine is being cooled properly too. proper coolant plays a key role here. i hope i helped, fred. good luck!