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Ford: 4 x 4, wheel locks, move snow

i have an 85 ford that the front wheel is not kicking in. i have lockouts and when i set them to free and spin the front driveshaft the axles spin when i set them to lock and spin the shaft the left wheel locks and when i spin it the other way i get a clicking sound from the right. could there be a problem with my transfer case or my lockouts? the back works because when in 4 low it has the drag it should. the reason i think its not working is i cant move snow very well and when i set the plow against a drift and proped the gas pedal down there was no front wheel movement. please help we have 10inches of snow on the way.

hey brent.

this is actually more common than you think.  most often, the transfer case is fine.  it's the lockouts that ususally screw people over.  they're just not built to perfection, especially the old ones.  have a mechanic make sure that every moving part of the lockout is working and that nothing is loose or broken.  luckily, this is not a difficult problem to fix in a garage.  a mechanic that knows what they're doing should find the touble no problem.  hope i helped, man.  good luck.
