Ford: 1966 FORD MUSTANG COUPE, ford mustang coupe, loose bolts
QuestionHi Ken
Just bought a '66 Mustang Coupe. And loving it.
Question(s) Ken.
My garage floor revealed some RED FLUID coming from under the Mustang. I don't know if its brake or tranny fluid.
I know I need to get under it. But how do I fix it if it either one: brake or tranny. Could be loose bolts and needs tighting or replace caskets?
Second question if you will please. What's the BEST way to get more hight under the car in order to work on it. Some say to get two RAMPS and TWO CAR STANDS and run the car up on the ramps and then jack-up the rear and place the stand under it. TRUE/FALSE?
like you said you need to get under the car and see where its leaking.clean up as much dirt under the car as possible it makes it easier to find the problem.i would check the lines going to the tranny first.also look where the tranny bolts up to the motor.i would check the tranny flud also,remember the car has to be hard to say how much it will cost until you find whats causing the problem.people drive their cars for years with it leaking a few drops after you for your second question i would NOT reccomend doing it that way.the best way to do this is to jack up the front and back and put 4 jack stands under it one near each wheel.BE VERY CARFUL JACKING UP THE CAR,10-20 MECHANICS DIE EACH YEAR BECAUSE THEY ARE CARE LESS. HOPE THIS HELPS.