Ford: Ford Airbags, sodium azide, kent ford
QuestionSorry I can not be all that specific but I need to airload a ford truck for the airforce and they are worried about the quantity of nitrogen used for airbag inflation can you give me some standard baseline specs. on the quantities the nitrogen cartridges hold? Also Sodium azide is thero-dynamic but not explosive right so the only worry would be rupture of the nitrogen cartridge?
SFC Kent R. Holmes
AnswerKent ford motor comp. has been transporting air bags for the last 10 years and have yet to have one go gm and other comp. have been having trouble. but I believe they have that solved .if you are worried then just disc the battery and this will disable the air bag sys. or you could just remove then and ground ship them .they are very easy to remove .but i will still ck with them and get back with you tomorrow.