Ford: antilock brakes, actuator valve, abs brakes
Question The pump motor on my ABS brakes runs constantly
on my 1990 Thunderbird, even when car not running. Eventualy running the battery down. Pulled the fuse for now. Fluid level OK. Plug ins
seem tight. Is there a sensor telling this to run
all the time? Thanks!
Answergarry you have a bad actuator valve witch is located under the hood on the driver side against the fire wall and you need a specle socket to get the sensor off and the other problem is the accumator is not holding psi whitch is causeing the pump to run all the time and you also have to replace the abs relay. there is a place in fla it's called rusty acre's try them for your parts you can't get these from your parts store but you could always try let me know if you need more help. i bet your glad you ask ?