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Ford: 1995 Taurus Transmission, mounting bracket, jerks

My 1995 taurus with 104000 miles, makes a banging sound and jerks the car when shifting from 1st to 2nd, It feels like something is moving causing the bang, I was told it could be a mounting bracket for the tranny or even a motor mount, Is there any history of such a mount failing?  Other than the bang and the jerking you feel when it shifts into 2nd, the tranny seems to be fine. All other gears shift fine, the fluid looks and smells fine (pink, not burnt) any suggestions ?
Thanks  Joe

they go bad all the time on the 3.8 eng and some times on the 3.0. but you could tell your self just open the hood then go back inside the car put your foot on the brake and hold it put it in drive and while holding the brake  tap the gas peddle to see if the eng pops up more then usual.do the same for rev. good luck