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Ford: Truck wont start, camshaft sensor, cylinder wall

I have a late 94 powerstroke in a 350 ford. I drove it down the road about a quarter of a mile and stepped on the clutch to down shift and the motor quit. I can't get it to start again .When I crank it it won't even smoke. The starter is new and the batteries are new so it cranks fast. When I checked the fuel filter the pump was filling the fuel filter and it had pressure at the test port. The wiring harness is new the gaskets and glow plug are new and the motor run smooth previous to thi problem. I tried changing the camshaft sensor on the front cover and that didn't help the problem . what would be your next suggestion  

Marvin to find out the  best way is to spray silcone spray in the intake to find out if you have a fuel problem or an ele. sys. problem the reason you spray silcone and not eather silcone will start the eng without cylinder wall damage. try this let me know.