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Ford: convert efi to carb on 5.8, f150 4x4, ford truck

I have a 89 f150 4x4 ford truck with a 5.8 efi it sat for two years the gas was bad and the fuel pump wasnt working so i got the fuel problem solved but now the little bit of bad gas that was in there clogged my fuel jets i took the jets out cleaned them and now it runs better but still wont idle or run smooth i want to convert it to carb i have an intake for a carb & a carb for that motor i want to know if that is all i need to do & id like to know what you think i should do? should i get new jets or make it carb? about how much are jets,there is 8 of them?
please help tom thanks

tom if your talking about the inj. if you buy them new they are about $20.00 to $35.00 each I would go to a junk yard and you can get a whole set for about $90.00 to $125.00. I would stay with fuel inj. only because it is more reliable   better gas miles and less problems but if i didn't care about that and i wanted HP then its carb. all the way.