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Ford: 93 Merc Tracer runs bad, jerking, backfires, wifes car, trans fluid

My wifes car, a 93 Merc Tracer w/ 1.9L automatic runs really bad. I've done a tune up, with coil too.   I had the IAC motor and I had the timing belt replaced about a month ago. New exhaust now too. The only thing I can see is the trans fluid is high and gets foamy after driving it. "I" didn't overfill, where did this extra fluid come from? I want to drain it and refill, but the Hayes book says only '96 and up has a drain plug??? How could I drain it?? The car is just over 90k... do I invest any more money, or just get rid of it? Any help would be appreciated greatly!

Dear Kirt yes you can drain the trans or what is even better have it flush this way it will clean every thing lines, filter,cooler ect,.remove the air tube and see if you  can see any oil in the throttle body if so you have a bad pvs valve sys. if so then you need to clean it out with carb cleaner.