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Ford: lightning svt, crank pulley, clutch tool

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Question -
how can i remove the fan clutch to pu electric fans?  problems with bolts  
Answer -
were ever you get the fans from they should come with platic tabs that go rt thru your radiator and lock down to the other side .this way you don't have to drill any holes or make any brackets.If not your parts stoor will have them.

thanks a lot man, very appreciate, quick response. the thing is that i dont know how to remove the fan clutch in the Lightning. Intructions  to lose the bolts and wich bolts.

thanks and sorry.
iam from Puerto Rico sorry for my english.

p.d. im looking for more torque and horse power. now i got predator computer. filter ngk sparks ect. and now i tried to intall electric fans and a crank pulley (6 lbs) thats what i want to remove te fan cluth and them the pulley . I would like you to help me with the pulley too.
thanks a  lot  

what you need to do is have someone just tap the ing switch to see which way the fan turns then if you look at the base of the fan you will see a big nut to get the fan off you have to turn it the opposite way you need to rent the fan clutch tool from your parts store.it will come off in one piece.     Good Luck  let me know if you need more info on proformance tips   GO FAST is my middle name and i have all the tricks.