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Ford: Changing headling filament/Rough Idle/Back brake drum removal, phillips screws, air control valve

The Escort has 62,000 miles.  I understand what you say about the small area from which to get at the headlight.  It does seem to have a large socket which must hold the bulb, it just does not want to turn, probably more of a problem because the area is so small.  I will go at it again tomorrow...thanks!

Also, thanks for the tip on removing the rear drums, I will pick up the bolts and get them off...I would have never thought about that.

Any ideas, while having my Mustang in for an oil change, I asked them about the problem on the Escort(it is my daughter's car) and they seemed to mention something like an idler part???  They had mentioned that it would cost about 200.00 to get it fixed, I thought I might be able to save her the money....any ideas here?  Thanks, phil

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Hi Ragu, just a couple questions on my Ford Escort, 1999 ZX2.  1)  How do I put the new element in? from the front or the back, neither seems obvious?  2) My Escort starts fine, but when the engine slows it gets really rough, at lights or even anytime it is standing still it will die-out.  I have changed plugs, filters, wires???  Any ideas.  lastly, 3) I was just going to change the back brakes since I did the fronts, but I cannot seem to even get the drum off...I have removed 2 phillips screws that appeared to be holding it on...any other suggestions???  Thanks alot!  Phil
Answer -
phil are we talking about the front head lamp bulb if so  you must have very small hands you remove it from behind the lamp.how many miles do you have on the car.and for the rear brakes were you took out the two phillips screws insatall 2 2" bolts with the same thred pattern and screw them in and they will push the hub off 4 you. MAKE sure the E brake is off.

there probably talking about the idle air control valve.no it shouldn't cost that much and it is easy enough for you to change. But go to the dealer to get the part they call it an iac valve and if you are not sure were it goes just go to auto zone and go to there book on cars section look it up in the index see were it goes and just go to it.good luck.