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Ford: Steering, belt pulley, flow test

I have a F-350(94)desiel crew cab.The wheel will turn to the left with know problem but to turn back to the right is now like no power steering at all.If it might be the pump is that something i could do to replace or is it best to have service center(the belt pulley looks hard to remove to me)I did replace the steering(shock) asorber because it started to woble on bumps when applying brakes while driving.That helped 10% but right turns are killing me.I noticed it about a week ago and checked the fluid and it fine no leaks and no noise.

what i would do is a power steering presasure and flow test i know it sounds hard but it 's not you can rent the tool from your parts store . it should come with the pressure rateings. this will tell you if your pump is no good. if not let me know.. also let me know if you have hydro boost .