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Ford: ford rs turbo, new ford fiesta, fiesta rs turbo engine

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Question -
i own a brand new ford fiesta silver and i am looking at buying a fiesta rs turbo engine i was wondering if you could tell me wether i would have any problems with engine mounts etc?
Answer -
a fesita ? or r you talking about a focus.if it is a festia what year?

its a 2004 fiesta silver

no you should not have any problems if you get the complete drop in and the ecu. some motor mounts mods may be nessary but not a problem .you may have to do some frame drilling.and exhaust must be change if not you will loose a lot of power 2 3/4"  pipe is the smallest you can go also on the blow off valve there are now kits to change the boost because the factory has presets and no matter how you try the factory on is hard to up boost   good luck