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Ford: No cabin heat in 99 Windstar, heater control valve, k n air filter

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Question -
Hi Ragu. Thanks for freeing up your time to help out.
I'm at a bit of a loss with this problem. Both upper and lower rad hoses are hot. Both heater core lines are hot and the temp guage is showing in the middle where it always is. But yet I have no heat in the cabin. I tried cycling through all the control settings and all blow cold air.
This started the day I had taken off my air box to clean out my K&N air filter. As it was drying I deceided to grab some throttle body cleaner and started the engine and proceded to spray the cleaner into the intake. I've done this before and never had any problems. I just keep the engine running by moving the throttle cable with one hand and spraying the cleaner with the other.
Anyway at one point it just died.
I was able to start it again right away and after I re-installed the air filter it seemed to run fine but the check engine light was on.
I wasn't able to get to a dealership in time before the code had cleared and the light went off.

Thanks for your time and any help you can give me.

Mark Meadows
Answer -
the only reason why the ck eng light came on is because you had the hose off to the throttle body and the maf sensor was reading low. not to worry.you need to look and see when you removed the hose & the air filter thAt you didn't unplug the vac hose to the heater control valve .Lession when the eng is running to see if you here any vac. leaks.If not let me know and we will do a pinpoint test and find the problem.

Thanks for the response. There was one vaccuum line from the air box the the head cover, but it was hooked up. I'm not sure where to start looking for the other vaccuum lines.
Last night I just found out the I have heat in my rear cabin heater, so that one is working. It is just the front one that won't work.

Thanks again for your help.

there is only 1 answer for you it's your temp. blend door sensor or your blend door is binding or stuck.look under your dash on the left hand side of the glove box if you look closely you will see a white box with a 8 pin conector move the ac temp switch from hot to cold put your hand on it and feel if it is moving if not replace it if so then the blend door is binding.