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Ford: COMPRESSOR - CLICKS ON AND OFF, explore 6, guage


I truly could use your help, I have a 1998 Ford
explore, 6 CYL.  My AC only blows hot air. I purchased a recharge Kit with a guage on it.
I turned the AC on in my truck, according to the
guage to amount of AC charge was good.

The problem is, when I turned on the AC, the compressor clicks on and off, so the reading on
my guage did the same. It went from good to bad.
Every few seconds it clicks on then off.

Any ideas on whats wrong with my AC, I doubt it
needs charging



The problem with the ac is not the charging of the sys.you r probably rt but i would like to know what the high side reading is and low side reading is.you could do this with a set of ac gauges. do u have access to them if not we will go a different way.