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Ford: 1994 Ford Explorer wont start at times, engine cranks, fuel pump relay

I have a 1994 Ford Explorer EB edition 4x4(4.0 liter push rod v-6 engine) with 103,000 miles that has been a great truck until now. Recently it has failed to start after being driven for about one hour and shut down for about 10 minutes. Engine cranks at normal speed but no start. Wait 20-30 minutes and it will start and not repeat the problem for a few days. I have checked fuses, replaced fuel pump relay and fuel filter. Since then I have had it in the local Ford shop for one week for repair with no luck because the problem won't repeat it's self while in the shop. I am now afraid to drive this vehicle and need some open minded experienced help.


Max Roe  

What you need to do is have the dealer or a friend that knows about automotive change the eec power relay. witch is located in the eng comp. relay box.this should take care of your problem. If not i will walk you through a pin point test step by step.