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Ford: tranny leak under load, torque converter, e4od

can the torque converter open under load to dump the tranny fluid-------------------------
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Question -
I have a 1993 F250 4x4 diesel with a e4od tranny.
no sign of fluid loss untill I hook up a heavy load, then the fluid pours out like a flood.  Can it be the torque converter or the tranny seal
Answer -
both due to when you put a load on the trans the pump pressure incresses to 90 psi.check the fluid level first when it's running. then ck. it when its off look at where the level is at .then  start it and ck. it if it goes down more then 1 1/2 inch the front pump is working fine if not you may have a bad front pump making to much pressure and causing the fluid to push by the seal.

Doing some research what you should do first is a trans severce with a new filter kit.make sure that they drain the converter There is a additive made by all trans it's in a red box you can  find it at napa you just add it to your trans fluid it helps it run a lot cooler.Also ck and see if you have a trans cooler if not get one from napa it's worth it's weight in gold.Try this first this should solve your problems..