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Ford: personal warrenty, couple hundred, piece of paper

my daughter sold a car to her aunt for $1200 only give her$ 1000 and the aunt wanted a 30 day warrenty on the transmission so my daughter gave it to her so 14 days later she says the transmissiomn is gone and she wants$900 to fix it .we offerdher $1000 back and she told my daughter she would take it. my question is if she took it out of our driveway doesnt she have to bring it back to where she got it before she gets her money back or does my daughter have to go get it ? she lives a couple hundred miles from where she bought it  

I would think that since she picked the vehicle up from your place she should return it. Also if your daughter sold her the car and transfered the title to her aunt the vehicle is hers. Also, if you wrote down on a piece of paper, and gave her in writting a personal warranty for 30 days she is obligated to the warranty, providing both signed the paper.
I would have her bring the car back, and  give her the $1000.00 back before she takes this further.. Thanks..