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Ford: 93 Ford Escort LX Hatchbackoverheats within minutes of starting, ford escort lx, radiator coolant

Thanks for reading my question. I am at a loss. Finally had enough of being at some of the less than ethical mechanics mercy, following years of condescending treatment and thousands of $ along the way, I have decided to take my car under my own wing, whenever possible. While carpooling some kids about a week back, my car overheated in the 100+degree weather, after stalling while I was driving it. I was able to give a bunch of juice to the engine by pressing on the gas pedal (up and down-not one steady press)when the car stalled. I pulled into the closest gas station and popped the hood, which was when I saw that the car had white steam coming from the radiator(?). Coolant and water were bone dry. Her oil was depleted as well. I added oil, which I had already done a few days prior... She rested a while to cool off, then I attempted to at least get my car (and the other mother's children) home where I would call my mechanic. We overheated one more time (it's now evening+cooler) and stalled while driving countless times. More and More Water was added during that final break-down. About 45 mins later I was able to get the beast home again. As long as I didn't let her come to a complete stop, we were okay. Next day, car refused to start. Electric working but no turning over the engine, despite the gas being pressed on. More water was added. Finally she did start. But now she seems to have a leak in two places under the car. Leaks seem to come from middle area under the car, set back about the same distance as where front tires begin. My friend helped replace the radiator. Hose was hanging off of it on the drivers side of radiator, indicating replacement. Coolant has been added. Car even started without manipulating the gas peddle. I let the car run for a while, which went well. As soon as I put her in first gear she began to stall again. Steam returned from the radiator. I did a visual scan of the hoses, so far okay. I think there must be a hole in a hose or it's not attached securely? The cooling fan rotates no more than three to four times and then stops. I am going to check the fan for damage. I have heard that my problem sounds like a busted thermostat. So, I will be checking the therm. too. There has been no water in the oil and no smoke spewing from the tailpipe.  My car recently had a new MassAirFlow sensor put on it to fix stuttering, jerky movements and stalling, the big difference between then and now is that now there is overheating, too. Oh yeah, The top hose connected to the radiator is getting hot to the touch when the car is running. According to the Haynes repair manual- the thermostat is probably fine because of the hottness of the top hose.
One way or another, my car seems to have had some sort of a fuel(?) problem which has caused her to stutter, idle irreguraly and finally die,die,die. ALL (lots!) of the previous mechanics have said there is nothing wrong with the fuel line. Most have even tried to convince me that my car wasn't ever stalling in the first place.haha. Part of me is beginning to wonder if all of these issues with my car are related to the original issue with the fuel/air/whatever cutting off. Oh, my check engine light is always on, as is my emergency brake light. Two mechanics have independantly told me that the car is fine, the lights come on because of a computer glitch in the Ford system.
Sorry so long. I just didn't know which info was important for an answer. So I gave you all of it!
;) Thanks for being patient,

Well first of all anytime the check engine lite comes on you have a problem with the emission control system. This could be one or more sensors on the engine. The only way to tell which one is bad is have the vehicle scanned at the nearest garage. I wouldnt,, take your vehicle back to your mechanic, would find someone else.
2. If the vehicle is overheating, there are possibilitys here. I would reccommend not driving it, when it overheats, you could crack the block, or blow the head gasket.
Probable causes of overheating.
1. ignition timing off/
2. thermostat bad.
3. dirty cooling system
4. electric fan not coming on when engine gets hot.
5. dirty front radiator/bugs ect
6. water pump not circulating the coolant/ worn impellers.
If you have coolant leaking in your oil, you have a blown head gasket. If the vehicle is leaking from underneath you should check the area for leaks, could also be a leaking frost plug. Hope this helps..