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GM-GMC: white paint like substance on dashboard, white paint, dash board

hi I drive a 2012 gmc terrain and recently I noticed on the the dashboard and doors a white substance that kind of looks like paint I wiped it off with water and it did remove it but I was wondering what this is and is it dangerous to be breathing it in,my kids are always in the car with me so I was just curious to  know what it was.thank you for taking the time to help me with my inquiry

Where on the dash board? is it coming from the vents?

If this is coming out of the vents or cracks or anywhere that it looks like the vehicle is producing it I would take it to the dealer especially since it's a 2012. If its after you leave your windows open or something then I would try a dash cleaner or goo gone to see if it comes off. I wouldn't know of it's danger since I can't see it or where it's coming from but I would definitely get it checked.