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GM-GMC: Lock Cylinder, gmc sierra, lock cylinder

I have a 1999 GMC Sierra. Long story short, I had to drill out the lock cylinder to install a new one. Now with the new one installed, I don't need a key in the lock cylinder to start it, which I'm okay with except the "Security" light and odometer/ instrument panel light is always on and it drains the battery. Please Help! That's what I get for playing mechanic. Any advice you can dispense would be greatly appreciated. Thanks in Advance.

You can pull out the corresponding fuse for the dummy lights on your dash and you may have a fuse specifically for the security system. HOWEVER pulling the one for the dummy lights will cause you not to have ANY lights come on and that could be a problem like if your ABS goes out it wont notify you or oil issues. Also if you pull the security system fuse you might not be able to start the vehicle sometimes. If you don't need a key to start your vehicle it may not have been installed right or you used an aftermarket part that the truck doesnt recognize and the reason the security light is on is because the cylinder wont lock the only way to fix the problem right is to install it right or have someone look at the one you installed to see why it's not locking ad doesnt need a key. I wish I could be more help. and to find the right fuses or relays you have to look at the owners manual for that vehicle it will tell you which ones to pull.