GM-GMC: 2005 GMC Sierra Odometer, gmc sierra, 52 states
QuestionQUESTION: If my odometer or speedometer aren't working, what wire would it be that goes into the PCM? Where else could it be disconnected? I bought the truck and I think the guy unplugged it and forgot to plug it back in. Is that possible? Where should I look to plug it back in?
ANSWER: Yes it is possible that someone disconnected the speedo, which I will note is illegal in all 52 states or 13 provinces depending on where you are from. My recommendation would be to remove the instrument cluster and inspect the wiring harness that plugs into the back for loose or missing wires. If everything looks ok, it is possible that the cluster is defective and you will need to see a dealer for that.
Kinda avoided the question a bit, but I am sure you can understand why.
Hope this helps
---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------
QUESTION: I looked at the back of the cluster and looked fine.There must be a faster place to plug it in or out. he told me to bring it to him he said it was a five min. job. I want to bust him and put him jail if he un plugged it. I know you avoided the the question but i think he knows what you know. thanks, Craig if you want to to email off this site to keep the ancer private.
AnswerWhether you want to hang the guy out to dry or not is your choice. Be aware though that you have no idea how many miles are on your truck. He could have put 100k miles on it without the odomoter running. If nothing else it would decrease the value of the truck significantly. If the wiring at the terminal connector looks ok, it must have been disconnected in another location. If you are going to bust him take it to a dealer and have it repaired and documented. If your not take it back to the guy and let him fix it and ask him how much money he will refund you.
Hope this helps