GM-GMC: 2005 jimmy, rust ridge, rear rotors
QuestionI have a chirping noise coming from the left rear. I think it may be the bearings. brakes look fine but cannot get the rear drum/rotor off to inspect inside.
Any tricks to removing the drums.
AnswerThe rear emergency brakes are inside the rear rotors on those vehicles as I am sure you are aware, however the most common cause of noise generally is worn out brake pads. It is entirely possible that the chirping noise is coming from the emergency brake shoes, or from rust build up inside the lip of the rotor contacting the backing plate, either way you will need to get the rotor off to inspect. In my experience the rotors can either very difficult to get off or very very difficult to get off. Usually a rust ridge builds up inside the drum portion of the rotor and stops the rotor from sliding off. Generally the solution is two people one with a big big hammer and the other a pair of pry bars. No magic solution unfortunately. One thing is certain though and that is that the rotor will be destroyed in the process.
Hope this helps