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GM-GMC: 1996 silverado not firing at plug, crankshaft sensor, distributor shaft

I have a 1996 Silverado with a 454 automatic, It died while driving down the road. I have replaced Crankshaft sensor, camshaft sensor, coil, and ignition module. It is getting fire coming out of coil but not at the spark plugs. put it on computer and it is showing no rpm. The distributor showed burn marks below the #6 plug I found the number 6 plug wire was not even on the plug.

Remove the distributor cap.  Crank the engine and see if the rotor is turning as the engnine is cranked over.  I have seen the gears get wiped off the camshaft/distributor shaft on that year of vehicle.  If the rotor is turning and you are getting spark out of your coil, it has to be distributor related.  Find a donor distributor, mark the location of the old one and swap them out, then recheck for spark.  You can worry about timing after you get some spark to the plugs.
Hope this helps