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GM-GMC: headlight adjustment, sealed beam headlights, radiator support

how do i adjust headlights on a 97 chevyu silverado?qsrit

The adjustment procedure is different for composite or sealed beam headlights.

Two adjusting screws control the horizontal and vertical aiming of each headlamp assembly.
The screws are in the radiator support. The location is not readily visible.

The 2 holes in the radiator support for each headlamp assembly provide access to the recessed adjusting screws. Using a T15 TORX® head bit, turn the screws.

Adjust the headlamps to the specifications required by the state and/or the local authorities.

Sealed Beam Headlamps

Correct the horizontal aiming and the vertical aiming of each headlamp by adjusting the screws. The screws move the mounting bracket against the tension of the coil spring. The screws are in the headlamp bezel area on the models with the sealed beam headlamp.

The screw directly above the headlamp adjusts the vertical position. The screw to the side of the headlamp adjusts the horizontal position.

Hope this helps