Speedy Auto > Auto FAQ >  > Cars > GM-GMC

GM-GMC: Electrical, work hazard, gmc truck

QUESTION: I have a 1986 GMC truck, signal lights don't work hazard lights do so i tried jumping the wires at the base of the column and i can get them to work that way but they won't work up at the top of the steering column and still wouldn't work then i tried putting a different column in that i knew was working and just set it in on the floor and still didn't make a difference

ANSWER: Ensure that any and all related fuses are good, also check you hazard/signal flasher module.  Small cylindrically shaped, relatively cheap, only a couple dollars.  Usually the lights come on and stay on but do not flash when it goes bad.
Check those two things quickly.
Hope this helps

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: I have done all that the hazards flash and at the speed any other truck would but when i select left or right signal they don't work period the light won't even come on but the plug down at the base of the column if i cross the wires for the signal lights i can get them to work and they flash properly but they just won't come on with the selector up at the wheel

From what you are describing to me, the problem must be in the column or switch itself.  Unfortuneatley I don't have access to wiring diagrams for a truck that old.  Does your switch have a proper 12v feed?  Also, was the donor column that you used grounded to something when you tried it?  Try grounding the donor column and see if you get any better results.