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GM-GMC: 1988 GMC S10, wont start anymore, fuel issues, dash panel

I took the dash off above the steering wheel to clean it. I unplugged the wires and after I was done plugged them back in to where they belonged. I go to start the truck and it cranks over but it doesn't start. I get starter fluid spray in the carb, it starts up for a few seconds and then dies. I take it that my fuel line is not working?
Why would the fuel system stop working after I took the dash apart? what could be done to fix this?

please help, i need my truck before Saturday.

its probably unrelated as far as the dash so if you sprayed fluid and it fired and died that means for sure you aren't getting gas into the carb

when i deal with fuel issues i start with the filter then looks for kinks in the line then if all fails fuel pump is your next bet

more then likely when you parked the truck something happened to make it not get fuel anymore unrelated to dash cleaning

that is that i'm assuming you didnt touch anything but the wires on the back of the dash panel

when you crank it does it try to start? if it just crank and never tries to fire then it most likely is the timing