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GM-GMC: 2002 Yukon ABS Pump Noise, battery cables, abs pump


My wife called me at work today to inform me that when she got home and turned the car off that something is still on. As it turns out, the ABS light had come on and the ABS pump continues to run after the ignition is off. I located the pump under the truck and behind the drivers side and removed the power and of course it quit. I did this to keep it from running the battery down until I can figure out what is wrong?

Any ideas?

Thank you,


Was the vehicle hit at all recently ?

Were the brakes applied on ice HARD !!! or SNOW ???

Main question ? Did the ABS engage anytime in the recent past ?

There is a relay that controls this in series with other components!
At least we know that you are getting power to the pump .
Try to disconnect the battery cables ::BOTH + & -neg...Leave them off for 5 minutes  re-install and try to re hook up the pump .
Does it Still make noise ??
Maybe you can re-set the computer ? system

If the pump still goes on then the relay i would un-plug and see if the pump goes off .

Do these couple of things and email back .
Let me have time to lok at a schematic for the Yukon as well

Dave G