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GM-GMC: 1979 Chevy Pickup, chevy 350, chevy pickup

i just replaced the distributor cap rotor and coil, in my pickup. it has the chevy 350 in it. all it does is turn over. its got fuel spark and compression. and as far as i can tell the timing is right on. and now im lost... any help would be great

You say you have fuel, spark , and compression the only thing your missing is exhaust... Have you check your exhaust possibly plugged some where maybe at CAT there are a few things you can do to check this one way is pull your O2 sensor out and try and crank leaving that whole open if you have a plugged exhaust with the O2 out it will crank for you ( it will sound like shit but it will run ) or you can pull your cat and the rest of the exhaust off and crank it.  If you pull all the exhaust a way you can see if its your pipes themselves plugged is put a golf ball in one end and see if it comes out the other if it does then your CAT's your issue

Good Luck
