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GM-GMC: no 4 wheel drive, high gears, fuse panel

I own a 2005 1500 silverado 4wd. couple of weeks ago the service 4wd light came on, I called the dealer and was told not to worry it was because of the cold weather. well... tonight I noticed that the light on the dash was not on showing I was in 2wd. I pulled over and no light would come on nor would it go into four wheel drive. I think the nut at the dealership told me wrong and if so what could/should do.

Ok Ron ,

Here you go .There is a Transfer case that shifts the 4x4 from
4x4 L - 4x4H 4 - 4x4H 2wheel

The part that i believe is bad is the actuator ; The part costs approx : $50 Although a trans place or the dealer would charge $ 700-$1200 . If you are mechanically inclined you can do it yourself . It is VERY Easy !!!!

Try this :RAdio OFF ALL acessories OFF Fan OFF  QUIET

Start the vehicle : with your foot on the brake ; shift vehicle into Neutral . Push the button to 4x4 LOW , listen close did you hear something engage ? Do this several times : If you hear it ! Good .

#2 Now with the vehicle running do the same for 4x4 H 2 and 4x4 H4

Try several times on ALL . with 4x4LOW you have to be in Neutral or Park . Then High gears in Drive ...
If you hear the clicking sound this is the actuator working .
If you do not ? There is a fuse in the fuse panel for this . You will see also under the hood and on the driver side panel near dashboard.. It says 4X4..Check fuse .If fuse is Good !!!! Repalce the actuator .. mounted on the transfer case ... Looks like a small starter ...To dis-ingage : drive in reverse about 40 feet ...then go forward . find a street where no traffic ! hi

Let me know !!

Dave G.