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GM-GMC: drive belt, tensioner pulley, gmc safari

how do you replace the drive belt on a 1990 gmc safari? do you have any pictures?

Hi randy

I do not have any pictures but the way to replace your belt will be to first study the routeing of the belt draw a diagram if u need to then locate you belt tensoner pulley it will be torward the top of the motor and most are near or next to A/C Clutch pulley once located take a long screw driver or pry bar and place it between the assembly and the pulley on the tensioner and pull up on the screw driver making the pulley go down and u should then be able to slip the belt right off that pulley without a problem ( this may be extremely hard to pull up on as it is spring loaded ) once you have the belt off the tensioner pulley you will be able to get it off all the other pulleys easily then route the new belt the sae way and then do the same to get it back on the tensioner and then inspect to be sure its on all the pulleys correctly and u should be good to go
