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GM-GMC: 1998 gmc k 1500 4x4 4.3L auto trans., gmc 4x4, utilty trailer

I have a 1998 gmc 4x4 4.3l automatic. The problem is that the engine loses power and spark knocks like crazy when it is under a load on the highway. The truck will actually surge when it is about to shift into drive and continually spark knocks over 3500 rpm The problem is worse when i am towing my utilty trailer. I have no check engine light on and the truck has about 55000 miles on the odometer. please advise! Thanks!!

Ok  ,
When was the last time you had a decent tune-up ..

A 98  with 55,000 is nothing , Sounds like you might have a fuel and a spark issue . Do the following
Gas Filter :
Spark Plugs
Spark Plug Wires

Although i have seen bad vacuum cause the same thing .

At night time look for sparks jumping across to the frame . Start the engine , be careful , dark . And look for sparks jumps.
This is usually an indication of spark jumping ALL THE TIME.

Has the engine always pinged , while acceleration ?
When you tow , of coarse you are putting a load on the engine and trans as well .

You can have all these issues and have no engine light on !
You can check spark with a  ( spark wire tester ) on every  wire . This tool costs onlt a few dollars at Autozone etc, It will give you a GOOD indication on spark .