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GM-GMC: 95 Geo Tracker, autoxray 6000, good mileage

After reading my question I sent in, I realised more info would help. The engine is a code 6 , a 16 valve with multiport. The car got good mileage when I got it, probably around 20 mpg or so, suddenly overnight it seemed, the mileage fell off to about 10 or 12 mpg (honest) I really only use the car for work, a short trip, however on weekends when I drive for longer periods, the tank empties out fairly rapidly. As I previously stated, the thing runs well, dosen't smoke, dosen't stink out the tailpipe, and other than the mileage and rapid oil dilution, (I change about every 500 miles or so and the oil is mostly gas) you would never suspect the car has a problem. The erratic miss on the first startup of the day is gradually getting worse, but as I said, there are no codes set. We have an AutoXray 6000, and it won't recognise the Tracker when it is hooked up, so we can't get a data stream.  the entire secondary ignition has been replaced, the entire exhaust system including the O2 sensor, the thermostat and the sensor in the t-stat housing. Any ideas or suggestions?

Daryl ,

You are getting some massive blow-bye . If you have that much fuel consumption , you have a problem !!! The eraitic miss is the fuel explosion in the cylinders . You are already doing ALOT of damage to the vehicle ..This explains your rapid oil dilution.You are cooking your pistons !!!
At this point the fuel pump sounds like a problem .The fuel regualator could be defective as well ? Was this ever replaced and if so was it the correct one ?

Where is ALL the gas coming from ???

If you have 49 years of experience , you should be able to figure this one out !

Let me know !!