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GM-GMC: silverado 6.5 turbo diesel 1993, fuse panel, fuse box

My truck is a silverado 6.5 turbo diesel 1993 my heating fan motor doesn t work, fuse are ok, fan is ok ,i tried a new fan resistor ,no joy, i cannot find the fan relay location on my truck can you help me on this one tanks.

Ok Lets get you heat !

The resistor controls the lower speeds on the blower motor :
How did you check the fuses ? Ohm meter or looking ?
The best way to check a new blower motor is to feed it direct power : This is direct from the battery : Make sure also that you have a good ground : make sure it is free of rust ; Very common problem on this year vehicle . Go to frame /chassis to get a good ground , check with an ohm meter .

Once you have tried to power up direct :

Fan Switch : Check in each position : make sure you have resistance reading in each ;If the fan switch is good then check your relay
Location should be next to the blower motor : look & follow the wires going to the blower ; Also depending on when your truck was manufactured : You might have a fuse box under hood as well . with relays in it also ; besides the fuse panel in vehicle .You can check for a good ground with an ohm meter as well  

Lets check blower with battery hook-up first !

Order : Blower Motor Switch _ fuse Panel -relay - resistor block-blower motor -don't for get GROUND !!!!