QuestionHi bruce I have a 1985 chevy k 10 4x4 and i have a isue whith a front end wheel wobble going over high spots on the road at less than 20 mph only hapens on the left front wheel.I did convert the truck to a dually 4x4 the front end bolted right in the rear i had to move the spring perches out. i have new front and rear tires i am thinking that the alignement is not correct can you give me any outher ideas i also change the front stabalizer shock its frustrating that i can't figure this out after beeing a mechanic fore 28 years thanks larry
AnswerHello Larry,
these would be what I would look at first but I am sure that you have looked into some or most of these already:
1 Inspect Wheel Nut Loose or missing wheel nut(s).
2 Inspect Wheel Stud Torque Improperly torqued wheel nut(s).
5 Inspect Brake Rotor Specs (Min Machining) Component warpage/wear beyond allowable limits
6 Inspect Brake Drum Specs (Max Machining) Component warpage/wear beyond allowable limits
7 Inspect control arm bushing Worn or damaged control arm bushing.
8 Inspect CV Boot Kit Dry, damaged or worn cv joint caused by leaking cv boot.
9 Inspect Ball Joint - Lower Worn or damaged lower ball joints
10 Inspect CV Halfshaft Dry,Worn or damaged cv half-shaft
12 Inspect Strut Rod Bushing Broken or damaged strut rod bushing
13 Inspect Wheel Bearing - Front Worn or improperly lubricated wheel bearing.
14 Inspect wheel hub bearing Worn or improperly lubricated wheel hub bearing.
15 Inspect Tie Rod End Loose, worn or incorrectly adjusted tie rod end(s).
this is a issue with these trucks and usually its something diffrent on every one
hope this helps