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GM-GMC: 1998 Chevy 6.5 turbo diesel, oil pressure switch, source of trouble

Thanks for the quick response we have contacted our dealer and he is looking into it telling us he has never heard of extended warranty but is suppose to get back to us. However if we get a new one put on the truck through them and if they keep it original mounting place is it as easy as just extended the wire and mounting it to a new spot or is there more involved with it. It looks like to me as long as we leave the wires connected that it can be mounted just about wherever we want to put it. Thanks for all your help!
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Question -
I know you are an expert on earlier engines however I have a 98 6.5 Turbo Diesel in 3500 Chevrolet that has started to give me problems. It will be fine and then all of a sudden it will start cutting out real bad like it wants to die but if you get off the gas pedal and push in the clutch it will idle fine. We have checked the fuel pump and it is fine. We have had it to a dealer a few times and they can't find the problem. Its almost like the fuel is getting shut off untill you take it back to idle. I seem to think it may be in the electical part of the throttle body but now sure how to check that or where to look? I am not sure you can answer this since it isnt your motor of speciality but if not can you forward it to another expert for me. I couldnt fine anyone who dealt with the Chevy 6.5 turbo diesel on here but I am new to this site. Thank you for your time!
Answer -
The 6.5 diesels since 1994 are computer-controlled.

You have verified that the transfer pump is working, and that is an important step, because GM chose to run the power for the pump through the oil pressure switch (OPS).  The OPS is a constant source of trouble for the 6.5 diesels.

If you have verified that your fuel filter is good, the other part of the problem is the fuel solenoid driver (FSD) also known as the pump mounted driver (PMD).  This is a device, about the size of a pack of playing cards, black in color, and mounted on the passenger side of the fuel injection pump.  They fail from heat.

GM has provided a 10 year, 120,000 mile extended warranty on the fuel injection pump due to PMD failure.  You may wish to take the vehicle to a local dealer and see if you can get a new injection pump under warranty.  Many dealers do not have good diesel technicians, so be keep that in mind.

You can buy a PMD on eBay or from various suppliers.  You can also buy kits that allow the PMD to be relocated to a cooler place in the engine compartment (even as far away as the front bumper).  Whether or not you get a new fuel injection pump, you should consider relocating a new PMD to prevent problems in the future.

Stay on the dealer.  The warranty might even be 11 years or 120,000 miles.

You are very perceptive about installing another PMD.  Many owners just remote mount the new one and install the extension cable to it.  The hardest part is removing the connector from the PMD on the side of the pump and a piece of wire usually does the trick.

There is a free forum, of which I am a member, located at www.gm-diesel.com.  You can search and read about problems that occur, or may occur, with you vehicle.