GM-GMC: pulsing in brakes, wheel weights, dr pickup
QuestionHi Harry I have a 1998 1500 serria gmc 2 wheel dr pickup i Recently purchaced.
I had a complete brake job done on it TWICE in the last 2 months i cant get the viberation out of it.
all new pads rotors drums all round still at what seem to be at high speed of even just going down hill the truck shakes and viberates with some pulsation in the peddle. Any ideas would be greatful Thanks Dan
If you did not have the vibration and pulsing brake pedal before the brake jobs, then the shop has done something wrong.
Unfortunately, I cannot tell you for certain what the problem could be. I have no vehicles with ABS and I have no experience with ABS systems. Other possibilities include: Incorrect or incorrectly machined rotors, faulty wheel bearing adjustment (if applicable), or even wheel weights that were accidentally knocked off the wheel(s) when work was done on the vehicle.
You probably should have another shop evaluate the problem for you.