GM-GMC: 1967 chevy C-20 no start, starter solenoid, chevy c
Question Hi, I have an electrical problem I was hoping you could help me with. When I try to start my truck its like it has a dead battery. I checked the batt. with a volt meter had plenty of juice. I wound up changing out the voltage regulator butt with no prevail. I looked at what grounds I could find and found nothing there. Im thinking maybe the ignition switch butt I just dont Know. The headlights wont come on, nor the interior light, no power to the cab at all. I didn't think the switch would effect all those things. I would appreciate any help you could give me.
I don't have any information on a vehicle as old as yours, but your problem sounds like a blown fusible link (or more than one).
A fusible link is a piece of smaller diameter wire that will burn through during an overload. Unlike a fuse, it will handle short term overloads without a problem. Also unlike a fuse, when it burns open, it is sometimes hard to find out where it should be.
GM is famous for putting these links where they are not readily visbile. For example, on my early 80s diesels, there are two that are in wires running down to the starter solenoid on top of the starter.
You need to find a wiring diagram for your vehicle and trace the wires supplying power to the devices that don't work.