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GM-GMC: Heater core R&R 1978 C-10 Pick-up, heater core replacement, glove box

The heater core on my 1978 Chevy pick-up is leaking. My truck has a 350 V-8 with A/C. How do you get to the heater core? Do I need to remove the A/C Evap. housing? Can I just unbolt this and put it aside? Is the heater core accessible from there? Need some direction.


Chevy made heater core replacement difficult on many of their products.

You will have to loosen the nuts on screws on the engine side of the firewall that hold the assembly found behind the glove box door on the passenger side of the firewall.  At a minimum the glove box door and glove box have to be removed.

Pulling that assembly away from the firewall will let you get at the heater core.  Take your time and look for all the fasteners beofre trying to remove the assembly.  You can break parts that are still fastened down if you use too much force.