QuestionI have a Major issue with my truck. I came home & went inside & ten minutes later my buddy next door called because all the truck lights were on. I went out the blinkers, stereo, headlights &...Everything that can turn on was & flashing. No keys were in it & I pulled the battery cables off the battery to shut it off.
I checked the battery & it's fine, holds a charge. no corrosion or anything amiss I can see. I cleaned the contacts & still it flashes eveything.
It will Not start it just clicks
all the lights are nice & bright
Battery is good even swapped of the other truck it does this.
Altenator less than a year old as is the battery.
Any clue?
AnswerShort of some kind of anti-theft system malfunction, I would say that you have had a wire insulation meltdown and it most likely occured where the wires feed through the firewall or in one of the major wiring harness bundles.
I don't own anything that new, so I cannot provide any more information than that.