GM-GMC: door panel & lock; 2000 GMC Sierra, gmc sierra, button area
QuestionI have a 2000 GMC Sierra. Recently, for no apparent reason, the door lock on the passenger side quit working. The door is unlocked, but will not lock. The power lock button locks the driver side but I cannot hear the solenoid actuate on the passenger door. The mechanical lock button will not move. The key cannot lov=ck the door either. I have tried to remove the interior trim to examine the problem but cannot get the panel off. I removed the screw behind the arm rest, lifted the panel and unhooked (most of) the latches, but something at the power lock button area of the panel will not lift and I cannot remove the panel.
1) what are possible causes? and 2) how do I remove the door panel?
AnswerThe solenoid is probably bad or the mechanism is jammed.
I cannot answer your question about removing the door panel as I have not worked on a vehicle that new. You might ask the service department at your local dealer about getting the panel to release from the door.