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GM-GMC: Wanted: Shop Manuals, for 95 Sierra C1500 SLT, gmc sierra, wiring schematics

Hi Alicia.

I'm desperately looking for Shop Manuals w/ wiring schematics, diagrams, illustrations, etc...

Break-down of Kelsey-Hayes 4WAL EHCU/BPMV (ABS) much needed! Oh.., and OBD1 trouble codes too...

I just can't get the level of detail I need from the Haynes & Chilton shade-tree mech manuals...

The truck is a '95 GMC Sierra C1500 - 5.0 litter SLT (vin 'H').

Thank you very much for your help;
Steve. . ..

Just to let you know that I can get this for you.

The service manuals, shop manuals, wiring diagrams I have are for 1995 CK pickups and I will cost around 250 dollars not including shipping and handling.

These happen to be the aftermarket issues OEM may cost quite a bit more.

Let me know e mail me at [email protected] or [email protected]