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GM-GMC: 93 Suburban 1500 4X4 350ci, rear cargo doors, e mail address

I have tested the grid with an OHM meter and cannot find any breaks. Could a bad switch cause only partial power being transmitted to the rear? What else can I do? I'm still stumped. Thanks.
Followup To
Question -
I have rear cargo doors. Only half of the defog works on each side. Top on one half and bottom on the other half. I have checked everything in the rear. There are no bad wire or connections. Could the switch in the dash be causing the problem? I'm stumped and winter is here!
Answer -
Not the switch, you have a break in the grid lines. they make a special compound that has ground up metal flake in it and all you do is use your OHM meter to locate the open grid line and bridge the open space with the compound.


I can e-mail you a picture and instructions of how to tset the grid using a standard 12 volt test light which is the old style of testing the grid lines but it is just as accurate,

HOWEVER, You will need to contact me at:

[email protected]

In order for me to send you some electrical schematics and pictures related to your problem, as this website is NOT mine and I am only a VOLUNTEER helping answer simple questions to those in need.

This website DOES NOT allow pictures to be sent.

Please include all of the previous information already said here about your vehicle to my above said e-mail address.
